Sports Seasonal Tickets

They are part of every sports club - loyal fans who gather in the stadium at every home game. With high quality seasonal cards you make them feel like they are something special to you.

Seasonal tickets serve for various purposes. The card does not only show the period of validity, but can also be used for access functions. No matter if with barcode, magnetic stripe or as chip card - access to the stadium is facilitated in any case. Contactless chip cards additionally allow especially fast processing of big crowds and hence prevent long lines in front of the entrance. A special personalization, for example with picture and name as well as an extraordinary design makes your season pass a real eye-catcher every fan will be proud of.

It is up to you, whether we produce the cards including personalization for you or if you would like to personalize the cards easily and at low costs on-site with a suitable card printer yourself. We are happy to advise you on the right solution for your requirements!


All About Cards - Competence in Cards!

